

Welcome to the Mannox blog where you can expect updates on the business such as new products and news, as well as (hopefully) useful tips and content for tablet takers everywhere.

Whether that’s top tips to help you remember your tablets, or to answer questions such as ‘why must some medications be taken with food?’, or ‘why is it important to take tablets regularly?’, we hope you find something useful here.

We started Mannox because we saw a real need for a solution to the pill takers dilemma – why was there not a nice-looking pill organiser? For the times when you don’t want to take a bag full to tablet boxes around with you, you need something simple to keep things organised and safe. But the only options available to buy were pill organisers that looked cheap, fragile, and ugly.

That’s why we believe The Pill Box really is the perfect 7-day pill organiser. Whether it’s keeping your pills safe whilst travelling or looking chic as a counter-top accessory at home, we’re sure you’ll be happy with your purchase.

If you’d like to stay updated and receive occasional emails with product news and updates, feel free to sign up for our email newsletter below.



George, founder

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